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  1. The term "passim" after a range of pages means "scattered"; that is, the indexed item is referred to in a number of places in the page range, with gaps of various extent between successive references.

  2. The large number of entries under "Radar" and "Sightings", and the possibility of confusion due to multiple indent levels of sub-entries, led us to create separate sections for those topics. They appear at the appropriate alphabetic locations.



Abelson, P.H.: on life proteins, 40

Acoustical sensing device: proposal for, 1264

Adams, Col.W.A.: on Case 49, 643

Adamski, George: attitudes toward, 894-898
See also Leslie, Desmond

Ad Hoc Committee to Review Project Blue Book
see O'Brien Committee

Adults: opinion survey of, 325, 332-337, 348-351, 354-355, 356, 358

Aerial Phenomena Office, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 1239.
See also Project Blue Book

Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, Tucson, Ariz, 19, 33, 85, 122, 860
field teams, 23
file of UFO reports, 31
founded, 893
source of data, 110

Aerosol particles: light scattering by, 1047-1052

AFOSR see Air Force Office of Scientific Research

Afterimage, 39-40
effect on sensation, 936-937

Age: as factor in opinion, 61, 355-361

Agena, 276, 739, Plate 20
re-entry of fragments (Case 11), 428, 430, 431
rendezvous with spacecraft, 300
sun-illuminated, 300, 302
See also Spacecraft, observations from, Agena

Airborne debris: as probable explanation, 116

Aircraft: as probable explanation, 75-77, 105, 183-184, 193, 196, 213, 245, 253
418 (Case 9),
494-497 (Case 23),
508-5l0 (Case 27),
575-580 (Case 38),
599 (Case 43),
733 (Case 59),
857-858, 1193
characteristics of, 1259-1262
night refueling of, 22-28, 95, 97-100, 511, 516-517 (Case 28)
radar detection of, 1073, 1078-1081
struck by ball lightning, 1169-1170, 1172, 1173-1174

Aircraft, subsonic: pressure disturbance by, 1147, 1153

Aircraft , supersonic: design modifications of, 1152
pressure disturbance by, 1148, 1153

Air Defense Command see North American Air Defense Command

Air Force: attitudes of individuals in, 845
cooperation of, 103
information given by, 94-99, l00-103
in Great Falls, Mont.case, 75-78
quoted on Dexter, and Hillsdale, Mich. cases, 899-902
types of reports investigated, 105

Air Force, Aids to Identification of Flying Objects, 14

Air Force bases: UFO officer on, 30-31

Air Force Letter 200-5, Apr.1952:
procedures for Project Blue Book , 884

Air Force major case, Tex., 79

Air Force, Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), 11-12, 913-918 passim
initiated Colorado project, vii, ix

Air Force Project Blue Book see Project Blue Book

Air Force Project Grudge see Project Grudge

Air Force Project Sign see Project Sign

Air Force Psychological Warfare Division see Psychological Warfare Division

Air Force Regulation 80-17 Sept. 1966, 913
procedure for reports, 11
quoted on report comments, 884, 886
quoted on release of information, 886-887
regulations for reporting, 30-31, 33

Air Force Regulation 80-17A Nov. 1966, 884

Air Force Regulation 200-2, Aug., 1953
quoted on procedures for Project Blue Book, 884-885

Air Force Regulation JANAP-146
see Joint Army Navy Air Publication 146

Air Force Scientific Advisory Board Ad Hoc Committee see O'Brien committee

Air Force Systems Command, 11

Airglow, 739, Plate 14, 20
observed from spacecraft, 289-292

Airglow photometer see Photometer, air glow

"Airship effect": influence of, 952-963 passim

Air Technical Intelligence Center, Dayton, Ohio, 844-9l8 passim

Aldrin, Edwin E.Jr.: observations by, 306

Alertness see Sensation, alertness as factor of

Allen, R.J., 58

Allen, W. Gordon, Space Craft from Beyond Three Dimensions: on saucer crewmen, 128, 893-894

All-sky camera: 1215-1219
as source of data, 111
at Harrisburg, Penn., 65
information from, 1249
use of in Case 27, 508-510

Altair, star: as probable explanation, 261

Aluminum "chaff": as probable explanation, l33, 136, 388 (Case 3)

Alvarez, Luis, 867-868

American Airlines: Flight 387, 710-714 (Case 55), 742, Plate 58 pilot, 245

American Institute of Public Opinion see Gallup Poll

Ampleforth Abbey sighting 1290 A.D., 828-829

Ancient sightings see Sightings, ancient

Andrews Air Force Base: quoted on sightings, 227-236

"Angel hair", 131-132

Angels: causes of, 1249
radar detection of, 1073, 1088, 1091, 1099, 1113, 1114
See also Dot angels; Ring angels

Anomalous propagation (AP) see Light waves , anomalous propagation; Radar, anomalous propagation effects

Antarctic expedition events 1965, 148-150

Antimatter, 1188-1190

Apollo program, 300

APRO see Aerial Phenomena Research Organization

Archer, E. James, 915

Arcturus, star: as probable explanation, 199, 441 (Case 14)

Arizona, University of see University of Arizona

Arkansas farm case Nov. 1967, 137

Arnold, Kenneth: report on flying saucers June 1947, 16, 844, 855
The Flying Saucer as I Saw It, 856

Artifacts: in orbit, 294-300
re-entries of, 295, 298
relation to cases, 137, 138
sightings of, 283

Artificial satellites see Satellites, artificial

Artsimovich, L.A.: quoted on sightings, 925

Asteroidal fragments: as probable explanation, 947

Astronauts: log of manned flights, 270
observations by, 58-59, 268-312
time in orbit, 269, 270
visual acuity of, 288-289, 293
See also Spacecraft, observations from

Astronomers: attitude of, 864-866

Astronomical objects: as probable explanation , 851

Astronomical refraction see Refraction, astronomical

Astronomical shimmer see Shimmer, astronomical

Atkinson, Ivan C.: quoted on Colorado Study, vii, viii

Atmosphere: clear-air turbulence of, 1115
density of, 277, 279
during sightings, 173-261 passim
effect on refraction of radio waves, 1104-1110
electric fields in, 1161-1162
electricity in see Atmospheric electricity
humidity gradients in, 173-174
molecular weight of, 278, 279
refractivity gradients of, 1102-1111, 1116
refractive index of see Light waves, refractive index; Radio waves,
refractive index
surface ducts, 1109
temperature gradients of, 173-174
types for refraction of radio waves, 1105, 1106, 1109

Atmosphere, lower: ionization of, 1159-1160

Atmospheric electricity, 1156-1194
fair weather, sea level average, 1160-1162
measuring device, 1264

Atmospheric interferences see Sferics

Atmospheric layers, 1114-1117
partial reflections from, 1007-1010

Atmospheric optics see Optics, atmospheric

Atom bomb simulation: as probable explanation, 655-665 (Case 50)

Attitude survey, 315-362

Attitudes Study see Colorado Study of Public attitudes 1968

Aurora, 113
observed from spacecraft, 292
radar detection of, 1093, 1095-1096
relation to solar flares, 1159

Auroral arch, 739, Plate 16

Auroral camera see All-sky camera

Auroral zone, Plate 15

Australia, Director of Air Force Intelligence: study program, 926

Autokinesis, 49
effect on sensation, 938

Automatic sensors: recommendations for, 1266

Automobile: as probable explanation, 589-593 (Case 40)

Automobile malfunctions: due to magnetic effects, 53-54, 151-161, 171-172, 582-588 (Case 39), 1192

Avalanche process, 1163, 1172 defined, 1158

Ayer, Frederick: quoted on Prairie Network records, 66


B-47 crew case Sept. 1957, 80-83, 397-403 (Case 5)

Bagachev, U., 924

Baker, R. M. L., 74, 76
on Case 47, 631-633, 635
on Case 49, 643-651 passim
source of data, 110
source of information in Case 51, 667

Bailey, J.O., Pilgrims through Space and Time -- Trends and Patterns in Scientific and Utopian Fiction, 34

Baker-Nunn camera: sky coverage by, 1265

Ball lightning: as possible explanation 1191-1192
electric fields of, 1156, 1164-1172, 1173-1194 passim
hypotheses for, 1168
radar detection of, 1095

Balloons: "Cutting down," 1207-1208
flight profiles of, 1205-1213
hot-air: as probable explanation, 90-91, 105, 458 (Case 18), 509 (Case 27), 605-606 (Case 45), 1219
lighted, 1210
neoprene, 1205-1213
radiosonde: as probable explanation, 149
"skyhook": as probable explanation, 848
super-pressure, 1205-1213
weather see Weather balloons

Barra Da Tijuca, Brazil case May 1952, 121-122, 637-640, 739, 740, Plate 28, 29, 30

Bates, William H.: quoted at hearing on UFO problems, 911

Battan, Louis J., Radar Meteorology: quoted on refraction, 551-552 (Case 35)

Beaman, D.R., 143 quoted on analysis of Case 4, 395

Beaver case, 741, Plate 48-51

Beckmann, Fred: evaluation of Case 57, 727

Berkner, Lloyd, 868

Betelgeuse, star: as probable explanation, 199-200

Beverly, Mass.c case 1966, 104

Bible: as literature of sightings, 823-824
Book of Ezekiel quoted, 836-838

Birds: as probable explanation, 551, 557-558 (Case 35), 641, 645-653 (Case 49)
radar detection of, 1073, 1081-1091, 1249-1251

Bismarck, N.D.case Aug.1953, 196-203

Blackmer, Roy H., 58

Blackhawk, case Aug. 1953, 196-203

Blades, Jehu, 148

Blavatsky, Helene Petrovna, Stanzas of Dzyan; The Secret Doctrine: quoted, 833-835

Blue Book Project see Project Blue Book

BOAC Boeing Strato cruiser case, 207-210

Boeing Airplane Company: in Case 52, 687

Bogie: in Case 21, 476-482 observed from spacecraft, 307, 309-311

Bolides: as probable explanation, 947, 954, 960
electric fields of, 1185-1190

Bolling Air Force Base, 234

Book of Dzyan see Dzyan, Book of

Book of Ezekiel see Bible, Book of Ezekiel

Books: on ancient sightings, 821-841
on cases, (1950), 856-857
on cases, (1954-55), 847

Boom, sonic see Sonic boom

Boosters see Rocket boosters

Borden, R. C., and T. K. Vickers: quoted on sightings, 234-235

Borman, Frank: observations by, 302, 307, 309-311

Boulder, Colorado case April 1967, 91

Boyd, L. G. and D. H. Menzel: on Case 49, 647

Braniff Airlines pilot case May 1966, 163

Brazil case Oct. 1957; described in Lorenzen book, 880-882
See also Barra da Tijuca, Brazil case

Brazilian Air Force: analysis of photos, Case 48, 638

Bright objects, unidentified see Unidentified bright objects

Brightness: of optical source, 1047-1052, 1055, 1056
See also Scintillation

Brimstone odors: in tornadoes 1176, 1177, 1186

Brown, Frank: in Maury Island incident, 846-847

Brown, Harold, Sec. of the Air Force: quoted on O'Brien Committee report and at hearing on UFO problems, 909-911

Bruner, Elmo: analysis of Case 40, 593

Bryant, Larry W.: on future research, 1269

Bureau of Internal Revenue see U.S. Bureau of Internal Revenue

Busemann, Adolph, 1154

Busk, R. S., 140, 143
analysis of Case 4, 392-393

Byland Abbey sighting 1290 A. D., 828-831


Cabell, C.P., Maj. Gen. USAF: re-activation of Project Grudge, 857

Calgary case, 116

Camarillo, Calif. case Dec. 1967, 116, 729-736 (Case 58)

Camera: all-sky see All-sky camera
Baker-Nunn see Baker-Nunn camera
Super-Schmidt see Super-Schmidt camera
television, modifications, 1253

Cameron, A. G. W., ed. Interstellar Communication: discussion of ILE, 37

Camrose, Alberta: ring imprints in, 129, 130

Canada, Air Force see Royal Canadian Air Force

Canada, Dept. of National Defence, Case 57 reported to, 722, 723

Canada, Defence Research Board study program, 921-922

Canada, Mounted Police see Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Canada: study programs in, 921-922

Canadian Arsenals Research and Development Establishment, 136

Canadian Naval Maritime Command, 538-540

Canadian network: for meteor recovery, 1223

Canadian - United States Communications: Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings, 887- 889

Canal Zone case Nov. 1952, 253, 255-258

Cantril, H.: quoted on "Invasion from Mars," 980-981

Cape Ann, Mass. case, 88

Cape Kennedy: direction of satellites from, 1262

Capella, star: as probable explanation, 187, 199, 418, 420, 421 (Case 9)

Capital Airlines pilot case: Ala. Nov. 1956; Va.Aug. 1957, 189-192

Caravan Surveys see Opinion Research Corporation

Cardinal point effect see Radar: Cardinal point effect

Carolina Power & Light Company outage May 1967, 162

Carpenter, M. Scott: observations by, 290
quoted on Glenn effect, 304

Carswell Air Force Base, Tex. case Feb. 1953, 184-185

Carter, F.: member O'Brien Committee, 904

"Case of the Lubbock Lights," 860

Cases: for case reports see 364-736

Cases: references to, throughout:
Case 2, 245-246, 265;
Case 4, 143;
Case 5, 80-83, 203-207, 265;
Case 6, 89, 104;
Case 7, 89;
Case 1O, 87-88;
Case 11, 276;
Case 12, 153-154;
Case 15, 93;
Case 16, 224;
Case 18, 91;
Case 19, 160;
Case 20, 86;
Case 21, 104, 258-259, 265;
Case 22, 129, 130;
Case 23, 90;
Case 25, 65, 129;
Case 26, 92;
Case 27, 32;
Case 27, 86, 1218;
Case 28, 94;
Case 29, 88;
Case 30, 100-1O1;
Case 32, 130;
Case 33, 87;
Case 34, 952;
Case 35, 259-261, 449;
Case 35, 449;
Case 37, 93, 452;
Case 38, 87, 129, 130;
Case 39, 88, 160;
Case 42, 87, 130, 137-138;
Case 45, 91;
Case 46, 112, 113, 727;
Case 47, 74;
Case 48, 121-122;
Case 50, 78, 122;
Case 51, 111, 124-125;
Case 52, 112, 115, 123-124;
Case 53, 112, 115, 122;
Case 55, 114;
Case 56, 116;
Case 57, 116, 122-123;
Case 15-B, 196-203;
Case 19-B, 240-241;
Case 76-B, 245;
Case 93-B, 241-245, 264;
Case 1O1-B, 253, 255-258;
Case 103-B, 220-223;
Case 104-B, 188-189;
Case 113-B; 181-182;
Case 115-B, 184-185;
Case 156-B, 247, 250-253;
Case 237-B, 184, 186-188;
Case 304-B, 210-212;
Case 321-B, 219;
Case 1065-B, 192, 193;
Case 1207-B, 196;
Case 1211-B, 219-220;
Case 1212-B, 183-184;
Case 1306-B, 182-183;
Case 1321-B, 178-181;
Case 1323-B, 193-194;
Case 7-C, 223-224;
Case 14-N, 189-192;
Case 190-N, 224-227, 265;
Case 1206-N, 194, 196;
Case 1482-N, 213-214, 265;
Case 1257-P, 148-149;
Case 1326-P, 135-136;
Case 1406-P, 131, 132;
Case 1074-T, 131, 132;
Case 10-X, 214-219;
Case 19-X, 211, 213

Cases: classification of, 175-176
field investigation of, 22, 73-106
radar, AP-like, 219-240
radar, blip-like, 240-261
visual, 207-219
blurry light or glow, 196-207
meteor-like, 193-196
star-like, 178-193

Cases, "classic": discrepancies in reports of, 74-78
investigation of, 73-78

Cases, current: types studied, 87-101
field studies of, 83-84

Cases, photographic see Photographs

Caswell, Ronald, 894

Castle Air Force Base, 96-100

Castle Rock, Colo. case Jan. 1968, 91

Causes, probable: summarized, 261-266

Celestial globe, Chinese see Chinese celestial globe

Censorship, 908
of reports , 886-890

Central Intelligence Agency, 21
creates Robertson panel, 866

Central Meteorological Observatory, Tokyo: observation of fireball, 1181

"Chaff": radar detection of, 1073, 1098-1099
See also Aluminum "chaff"; Radar "chaff"

Chant, C.A.: on fireball of Feb.1913, 960-961

Charleston, S.C. case, Jan. 1967, 192-193

Charleston, W.Va. case, May 1966, 245

Chiles, Clarence S.: pilot in Eastern Airlines case, 848

Chiles-Whitted case 1948, 962-963

Chinese celestial globe, 816

Chop, Al: on Case 49, 645

Chumley, A.X., translator: on Byland Abbey sighting, 828-829

CIRVIS reports: security for, 888-889

Clarion, hypothetical planet, 42-44

Classic cases see Cases, classic

Classification of reports see Reports, classified

Cleto, Fenando: on Case 48, 637

Clifford, William Kingdon, Aims and Instruments of Scientific Thought: quoted, 4

Clinton, J.W.: on Washington, D.C. case, 135

Clouds: as probable explanation, 122
electric discharges from, 1156, 1162-1165, 1168-1182 passim
in photographs , 113

Clouds, lenticular, 738, Plate 1

Clouds, luminescent see Luminescence

Clouds, tornado see Tornado clouds

Clutter, ground see Ground clutter

Coarsegold, Calif. case, 94-100, 104

Coast Guard Cutter "Sebago" case Nov.1957, 247, 25O-253

Cognition: influences on, 939-94O

Cohen, Jose Maria: on Antarctic events, 150

Collins Radio Company, 1072

College students: responses to opinion survey, 35O, 353-355
samples of, 330-332, 337

Collis, R.T.H., 58 quoted on Case 35, 542, 558-559

Color: judgment of, 939

Colorado project: concluded, 918
conclusions and recommendation, 2-8, 67
history of, 913-918
origin of, l0-12, 18, 19
reasons for, 316
source of data, 178

Colorado Springs, Colo. case May 1967, 258-259

Colorado Study of Public Attitudes 1968, 324-362

Colorado University see University of Colorado

Color-blindness: of dark-adapted eye, 48

Comet: as possible explanation of bolide, 1189-1190

Cometary debris: as probable explanation, 947

Comet orbits, 1185

Communication channels: clogging of, 18, 866, 870

Compression waves see Sound waves

Conceptions of observers: effects on reports, 943, 949-964, 974

Condon, Edward U.: appointed scientific director, viii

Congress see U.S., Congress

Conrad, Peter: observations by, 293, 298
quoted on Glenn effect, 304, 305

"Conspiracy hypothesis," 870-877

"Contactee" stories, 894-898

Continental Divide, N.M. case Jan. 1953, 214-219

Cook, Stuart, 916
appointed to Colorado project, viii

Cooper, L. Gordon: observations by, 293, 294
quoted on airglow, 291

Corner reflectors see Radar, corner reflectors

Coronal point discharges, 1158
as possible explanation, 119O, 1191-1192
from mountaintops, 1181
from thunderstorms, 1161, 1172-1174
from tornadoes, 1175, 1176

Craig, Roy, 53

Crow, Loren W.: quoted on Case 1, 369-371
quoted on Case 52, 672-674, 676
report on weather, Case 35, 545-554, 555

Crowd effect, 979-982


David, Jay, ed. The Flying Saucer Reader, 823

Davidson, Captain: in Maury Island incident, 846-847

Davidson, M.: on fireball Feb. 1913, 960

Debris: as probable explanation, 366, 371(Case 1)
viewed by astronauts, 59

Debris, windblown: as probable explanation, 729, 731 (Case 58)

Deception Island Antarctica event June, July 1965, 149-150

Decision procedure: in statistical analysis of UFO phenomena 1272-1278 passim

Decision theory: applied to UFO reports, 1276-1278

Deductive reasoning: on UFO phenomena, 1272-1273

Deener, David R.: on age groups related to opinions, 355-356

Defense Department see U.S., Department of Defense

Defense, national see National defense

Deimos, moon of Mars, 45

De Rachewiltz, Boris: translator of "Tulli papyrus," 835, 838, 839

Denmark, Defence Research Board study programs, 925

Desvergers, D.S.: sighting by, 862

Detroit, Mich. case March 1953, 224-227

Dexter, Mich.case March 1966, 899-902

Disc, flying: alleged fragments from, 133-135, 138-143

Distal event: distortion of, 931-932

Distance: judgment of, 932-933, 938

Distant ground return: radar detection of, 1073, 1099-1117

Distortions of perception see Perception, distortion of

Dot angels, 1091, 1114

Douglas Aircraft Company: analysis of Case 49, 646
report on Case 47, 630, 632

Dow Chemical Company: analysis of Case 4, 392, 394-395
producer of magnesium metal, 55
source of sample, 140, 141, 143

Duncombe, R.L.: calculation of Clarion effects, 43

Dust devil: in Case 1, 369
electricity fields of, 1156, 1175, 1178-1179

Dzyan, Book of: quoted by Edwards, 831-833, 835

Dzyan, Stanzas of: quoted, 833-835


Early Warning Network, 33
reports of sightings, 84-86

Earthquakes: electric fields of, 1156, 1180-1181, 1193
luminous effects of, 1180-1182

Earth radius: for atmospheres, 1105

Earth satellites see Satellites, earth

Earth-surveillance satellite: for future research, 1269

Earth's electric field see Magnetic field, earth

Eastern Airlines case July 1948, 848, 962-963

Edmonton, Alberta case April 1967, 194, 196

Education: as factor in opinion, 62, 355-361

Edwards Air Force Base case July 1967, 182-183

Edwards, Frank: on alleged recovery of parts, 133
on disc fragments, 134-135
on metal spheres, 137
quoted as journalist, 966
quoted on Adamski's work, 895-898
sighting reports received (1967), 84

Edwards, Frank, Flying_Saucers -- Here and Now: quoted on ancient sightings, 831-833, 835

Edwards , Frank, Flying Saucers -- Serious Business: quoted on censorship, 877

Effects, electromagnetic see Electromagnetic effects

Effects, physical see Physical effects

Effects, physiological see Physiological effects

Electric field of earth see Magnetic field, earth

Electric fields, 1156-1194 passim

Electric power systems: interruptions of service, 161-172

Electric storms, 1181-1185

Electricity, atmospheric see Atmospheric electricity

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), 1117-1121

Electromagnetic effects, 146-172

Electromagnetic sensors: recommendations for, 1266

Electromagnetic waves: propagation of, 1100-1117
scattering of, 1248-1249
propagation of, 1100-1117

Electrosphere, 1160-1161

Elevation: judgment of, 939

ELSS see Extravehicular life support system

England: study programs in, 922-923

Ennis, Philip: quoted on reporting crime, 339, 344, 347

Environmental Science Services Administration(ESSA) see U.S., Environmental Science Services Administration

Epp, E.J.: in Case 22, 491

Eriksson, Tage, 134
quoted on Spitzbergen case, 923

Errors in perception see Perception, errors in

ESSA see U.S., Environmental Science Services Administration

ETA see Extra Terrestrial Actuality

ETH see Extra Terrestrial Hypotheses

ETI see Extra Terrestrial Intelligence EVA see Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA)

"Excitedness effect": influence of, 953-954, 962

Exeter, N.H.case Sept.1965, 898-9O2, 1190-1191

Exhaust trails see Rockets, exhaust trails

Extra Terrestrial Actuality (ETA), 34 35-36, 37

Extra Terrestrial Hypotheses, 34-36, 37, 849, 851, 864, 871-885 passim
Hynek's opinions on, 911
James Harder quoted on, 883-884

Extra Terrestrial Intelligence, 856
hypothesis de-emphasis, 1268
in Lorenzen book, 879-880

Extravehicular life support system (ELSS), 298, 305, 306

Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) discards: observed from spacecraft, 305

Eye: adaptation of, 48, 935

Ezekiel, Book of see Bible, Book of Ezekiel


False targets, 180-181

Fargo, N.D.case, 848-849

Fata Morgana, 1O10, 1055

Federal Aviation Agency: radar networks, 65
reports of sightings, 84

Federal Power Commission: Report, Prevention of Power Failures: quoted, 161, 166-269, 170-171

Field studies, 22-24
evaluated, 103-106
methods of, 73-106

Fields, magnetic see Magnetic fields

Film: damage to, 112, 113
defects, 114, 738, Plate 4, 5
tracking, 111, 124
See also photographs

Finland Air Force Base, Minn. case Sept. 1966, 178-181

Fireball, Great, Feb. 1913: report of, 960-962

Fireballs: as probable explanation, 560-562 (Case 36), 947-948, 963, 1253
in earthquakes, 1180
radar detection of, 1097
reports of, 969-973
sound from, 1264
See also Bolides

"Firefly effect," see Glenn particles

Fisherville, Va., case Dec. 1964: radioactivity claimed, 130

Flames: in earthquake, 1180

"Flaps": clustering of reports, 17, 31

Flares: as probable explanation, 88, 103, 518-520 (Case 29), 710, 713, 714 (Case 55)

Flares, solar see Solar flares

Flashing see Scintillation

"Flying flapjack" plane: possible sighting of, 846,

Fontes, Olivo T.: quoted on Case 48, 121, 637-639, 881-882
quoted on Ubatuba, Brazil case, 139-140

Foo-fighters: related to St. Elmo's fire, 1173

Ford Motor Company, 153
investigators of automobile malfunction, 432 , 433

Forest Service see U.S. Forest Service

Fort, Charles: quoted on sightings, 821, 826, 827

Fort Belvoir, Va. case Sept. 1957, 78, 122, 655-665 (Case 50), 740, Plates 32-40

Fort Monmouth, N.J. incident, Sept. 1951, 857-859

Fortenberry, William, 364

Fowler, Raymond E., 88
quoted on Case 6, 408
quoted on extra-terrestrial intelligence, 911-913

Fuller, John G.: article on Colorado project, 915
quoted on power outage 164-166

Fuller, John G.: Incident at Exeter, 164-166, 899

Fuller, John G.: The Interrupted Journey (Barney and Betty Hill case), 899


Gallup Poll: on flying saucers (1947 and 1950), 60, 316, 317, 338; (1966), 60, 61, 316-323, 337-339, 355

Gemini 4: observations from, 307-309

Gemini 5, 288
observations from, 293, 300, 304, 305
photograph of REP, 739, Plate 19

Gemini 6: observations from, 304
rendezvous of, 302
rendezvous with Gemini 7, 739, Plate 21

Gemini 6-12, 300

Gemini 7, 288, 307, 309-311
observations from, 276, 292, 739, Plate 16
rendezvous of, 302
rendezvous with Gemini 6, 739, Plate 21
sketch of auroral arch, 739, Plate 16

Gemini 11, 276, 739, Plate 17, 18
observations from, 298, 302

Gemini 11-Agena see Agena 11

Gemini 12: observations from, 305-306

Gemini flights, 298
log of manned flights, 270
observations from, 268-312
time in orbit, 269

Geminid meteors: as probable explanation, 221

Genroku earthquake, Japan, Dec.1730: luminous effects of, 1180

Geomagnetic storms: relation to solar flares, 1159

Geomagnetic observatories: instruments of, 1255
recommendations for, 1266

Geometrical optics see Optics, geometrical

Ghost see Radar, ghost

"Ghost Balloons" see Balloons, super-pressure; Balloons polyethylene

Glenn, John H.Jr.: observations by, 289-290, 303-305

Glenn particles, 285, 303-305
See also Spacecraft, observations from

Glossary of Meteorology: quoted on mirage definition, 551 (Case 35)

Godman Air Force Base, Ky., 847

Gorman, George F.: pilot in Fargo, N.D. case, 848-899

Goose Air Force Base, Labrador case, Dec. 1952, 188-189

Goose Bay, Labrador, case June 1954, 207-210

Goudsmit, Samuel A., 867

Grand Marais, Minn. case Sept. 1966, 178-181

Grass, space see "Space grass"

Graupel See also Hail

Great Bend, Kans. case, 1227-1228

Great Falls Air Base, Mont., 75-76

Great Falls, Mont. case Aug. 1950, 75, 119 626-635 (Case 47)
motion picture, 740, Plate 27

Greece, Ministry of National Defense National Meteor Service: reports file in, 926

"Green flash": of the sun, 1038-1040, 1055-1056

Green, Gabriel, Let's Face the Facts about Flying Saucers: quoted on ancient sighting, 824, 828, 829-831

Ground clutter: radar detection of, 1099-1117, 1123-1124

Ground markings: alleged from UFOs, 128-131

Ground return, distant see Distant ground return

Groups: susceptibility of, 980-981

Grudge, project, see Project Grudge

Gulf of Mexico, La. coast case Dec. 1952, 220-223

Gulf of Mexico, "Sebago" case Nov. 1957, 247, 250-253

Gulfstream Aircraft, Huntsville, Ala. case March 1966, 113, 116, 702-709 (Case 54), 741-742, Plate 52-57


Haggarty, John, 829

Hail: electric fields associated with, 1176, 1182-1184

Haleakala Observatory: I, Feb. 1966, 1234-1239
II, Sept.1967, 1241-1246
II, method of investigation, 1215

Halford-Watkins, Carol, 135-136

Hall, Asaph: discovered moons of Mars, 45

Hall, Richard: on alleged ring imprints, 129
on "angel hair", 132

Hall, Richard, The UFO Evidence, 21, 161
index of reports, 31

Hallucination: development of, 978
See also Hoaxes

Haneda Air Force Base, Japan, case Aug. 1952, 184, 186-188

Harder, James A.: on Truckee case, 35, 883

Harvard College Observatory, Pike's Peak Station: expedition of 1870's, quoted on mountaintop thunderstorms, 1181-1185

Harvard Meteor Project (1954-1958), 65, 906, 1219, 1220

Hauser Research and Engineering Company: in Case 3, 388

Havana, Ill. photographic station, 1220
See also Radar Meteor Project, Long Branch, Ill.

Hayes, Allen: in Case 38, 576

Haynesville, La. case, 87-101

Heilmaier, Erich Paul: on Antarctic events, 149

Herold, C., 58

Hidden data see Photographs: data, hidden

Highwood Ranger Station, Alberta, case, 720-728 (Case 57)

Hill, Barney and Betty, case, 899

Hillsdale, Mich. case Mar. 1966, 899-902

Hoax: as possible explanation, 724, 725, 727
as probable explanation, 51, 89-92, 125-126, 506-507 (Case 26), 847, 851, 862, 943, 965-966
categories of, 114, 115
of ancient reports, 839-840
of Book of Dzyan, 835
of Byland Abbey mss., 829-830
optical, 114-115, 738, Plate 10-12
photographic, 114, 120, 714 (Case 55)
photographic discrepancies:
498-502 (Case 24),
637-640 (Case 48),
671-696 (Case 52),
724-727 (Case 57)
physical, 114-115, 122, 738, Plate 8-9
reasons for, 979

Hokkaido, Japan, case, Feb.1953, 181-182

Holloman Air Force Base, 223-224

Holy Bible see Bible

Hooven, Frederick J.: quoted on magnetic mapping, 153-156

Hope, Major K. J.: on photographs (Case 57), 723-724

Horse case, Colo. (Case 32), 527-531

Hostile action: recognition of, 866, 870

Hot-air balloons see Balloons, hot-air

Howard, J. H., 364

Humidity gradients in atmosphere see Atmosphere, humidity gradients in

Hurricanes, 1175

Husted, A., Sgt, in Case 50, 664

Huygen's principle, 1000

Hynek, J.Allen, 21, 706(Case 54)
in Case 8, 416-417
in Case 16, 445
in Case 38, 575
in Project Grudge report, Aug. 1949, 851
on Bismarck, N. D. case, 198-200
on Dexter and Hillsdale, Mich. cases, 899
on field teams, 24
on Louisville, Ky.case, 848
on single-observer sightings, 105
on unidentified sightings, 1269
quoted, hearings on UFO problems, 910, 911
quoted on Case 2, 386-387
report of Case 57, 724, 727
source of data, 110

Hypnosis, 983
in Case 42, 598-599

evaluation of, 840-841
formation of, 1273-1274
testing of, 1272-1278 passim

Hysteria: contagion of, 981-982, 984
See also Mass hysteria


Iceland volcanic eruptions: Nov. 1963
electric fields of, 1179

Identified Flying Object: defined, 14

IEEE Spectrum 1966: quoted on Northeast power outage, 170-171

Ignis Fatuus, 1174

ILE see Intelligent Life Elsewhere

Illusions, optical see Optical illusions

Image inversion, 102

Image orthicon, 1253-1255
aerial coverage by, 1264

Imagination: as probable explanation, 92-94

Imprints see Landing-gear imprints; Ring imprints

Incident No.40, July 1947:
Project Grudge report quoted on 852-853

Incident No.51, Sept. 1947:
Project Grudge report quoted on 853-854

Inductive reasoning, 1272-1273

Insects: radar detection of, 1073, 1088-1091, 1114, 1249-1251

Instrumentation: use of in Case 27, 508-510

Intelligence, extraterrestrial see Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Intelligent Life Elsewhere (ILE), 36-46 opinions on, 61

International Get Acquainted Program Denmark, 894

Internal Revenue Service see U.S., Internal Revenue Service

Interpretation: of sighting reports, 943-974

Interstellar distances, 37-46

Interviewing of witnesses see Witnesses, interviewing of

"Invasion from Mars", 980

Inversions see Image inversion; Temperature inversion

Investigators: availability of, 86-87
equipment of, 86
selection of data by, 1215

Ion rocket engines: development of, 1159

Ionization of matter, 1157-1158

Ionized particles: radar detection of, 1073, 1093-1097

Iris (goddess): myths of, 8l8-819

Irkutsk Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory, 1188-1189

Izu, Japan, earthquake, Nov. 1930: luminous effects of, 1181


Jack-o-lanterns, 1174

JANAP see Joint Army-Navy-Air

Jessup, Mr.: on Byland Abbey sighting, 828

Jet exhaust stream: as probable explanation, 964

Joint Army-Navy-Air Publication, 111, 146
on reports of sightings, 887-889

Jones, R.V.: quoted on eyewitness credibility, 964, 966-967, 969

Jueneman, Frederick B.: on Ubatuba, Brazil case, 142

Jung, C. J.: quoted on ancient sightings, 825
Flying Saucers: on anxieties, 982

Jupiter, planet: as probable explanation, 193, 199-200, 405,
410 (Case6),
440-441 (Case 14), 563,
571-574 (Case 37)
life on, 41


Kamakura earthquake 1257: luminous effects of, 1180

Kalstron, G.W.: quoted on Case 52, 671-672

Keel, John A.: on "space grass", 133
quoted on EVA discards, 306

Keldysh, M.V., 924

Kellogg, W. W., 913

Kepler's Laws: applied to satellite orbits, 279, 280

Kerckhoff, A. C. and K. W. Back, The June Bug, quoted, 981

Keyhoe, Donald E.: director of NICAP, 19
discontinued reporting, 33
founded NICAP, 876
on Fargo, N.D. case, 849

"Flying Saucers are Real" (in True Magazine), 19, 34, 856

Keyhoe, Donald E., Flying Saucers from Outer Space, 851
quoted, 876-877

Kincheloe Air Force Base, Mich. case, Sept. 1967, 247-249

Kirtland Air Force Base, N. M. case Nov. 1957, 211, 213

Klass, P. J., 1170, 1190

Klass, P. J., UFOs Identified, discussed, quoted, 1191-1193

Konradsen, K. G.: quoted on Danish study programs, 925-926

Kugelblitz see Ball lightning

Kuiper, Gerard P. : quoted on outer space searching, 20

Kwanto, Japan, earthquake, Sept. 1923: luminous effects of, 1181

Kyoto, Japan, earthquake, 1830: luminous effects of, 1181


Labrador case, June 1954, 207-210

Lackenheath case, Aug. 1956, 245-246

Lakeville, Conn. case, Jan. 1967, 733-736, 742, Plate 64

Landing-gear imprints, alleged, 129, 131

Langmuir, Irving: on Phoenix, Ariz. incident, 853

Lasers: tracking by, 1256-1257

Lawnmower's muffler: as explanation, 137

LeBailly, E. B., Maj. Gen., USAF: quoted on Project Blue Book, 902-903, 905

Lehner, Ernst and Johanna, Lure and Lore of Outer Space: quoted on Chinese celestial globe, 816

Lens flares: as UFO images, 113, 114, 738, Plate 6

Lenticular clouds see Clouds, lenticular

Leshkovtsev, V.: quoted on sightings, 924-925

Leslie, Desmond, and George Adamski, Flying Saucers Have Landed, 879
quoted on Byland Abbey sightings, 828-829

Leonid shower, 293

Levelland, Texas event, Nov. 1957, 161

Levy, John: in Case 38, 577

Lied, Finn, 134

Light: scattering, 1047-1052

Light waves: anomalous propagation of, 173-266 passim
causes of refraction, 1000-1001
color separation of, 1037-1044, 1055
propagation of, 46-49
refraction of, 998, 1014-1017, 1052
refractive index of, l000-1004, 1009-1010, 1054
signal-to-noise ratio, 1248

Lighted balloons see Balloons, lighted

Lightning: properties of, 1156, 1158, 1162-1164, 1171-1188 passim
radar detection of, 1093-1095
See also Ball lightning; Thunderstorms; Tornado lightning; Volcano lightning

Lipp, James E., 851
letter on ILE, 37

Literature, UFO: effect on children, 8

Local debris see Spacecraft, observations from

Look special ed., 1967, on flying saucers, 49, 51

Lorenzen, Coral, 860
head of APRO, 19
on alleged landing gear imprints, 128-129
on luminous haze, 132
on Ubatuba, Brazil case, 54, 138-139, 142

Lorenzen, Coral, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space: quoted, 879
The Great Flying Saucer Hoax, 879
on Case 4, 391

Lorenzen, James: head of APRO, 19

Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory event (1950, 1951, 1952), 147

Louisiana-Texas case, Sept. 1957, 203-207

Louisville, Ky., case, Jan. 1948, 847-848

Lovell, James A., Jr.: quoted on "bogie", 310-311
quoted on discards, 305-306
quoted on rendezvous, 302

Low, Robert J., 915-917
appointed to Colorado project, viii
quoted on Fuller article, 915
"Unexplained Electric Power Interruptions", 161-171

Lowell, Percival: on canals on Mars, 45

Lower atmosphere see Atmosphere, lower

Lowes, John Livingston: quoted on ancient sightings, 826-827

Luminescence: from bolide, 1186, 1189, 1190
from earthquakes, 1180-1182

Luminescence, snowstorm see Snowstorm luminescence

Luminous particles see Spacecraft, observations from


McChord Air Force Base, Seattle, wash. case, Oct. 1959, 219-220

McDivitt, James A.: observations by, 307-309

McDonald, James E., 927, 928
in Case 50, 657-662
in Case 52, 683-684, 690, 692
on future research, 1269
on northeast power outage, 167
quoted on extraterrestrial hypothesis, 34
quoted on numbers of reports, 969
reports in other parts of the world, 16
source of data, 110

McGuire Air Force Base, N.J.: reports to, 32

Mach number, 1148

Mackay, Charles, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds: quoted, 979

McKinley, J. L.: quoted on power outages, 163-164

McLaughlin, R. B., Cmdr, USN, "How Scientists Tracked Flying Saucers": quoted on sighting, (1950), 856

McMinnville, Ore. case, May 1950, 112, 119, 607-625, 739, Plate 23-24
article on, 856

Magazine articles: on cases (1947) 847; (1950) 855-856; (1952), 862-864

Magnesium, metal, 54
as probable explanation, 391-396 (Case 4)
in Ubatuba, Brazil case, 138-143

Magnet, project see Project magnet

Magnetic disturbances, 1189
observational program for, 67
See also Geomagnetic storms

Magnetic fields: effect on automobiles, 53, 15l-161, 172, 582-588 (Case 39)

Magnetic field, earth: disturbances of, 53, 148-150, 172, 1255, 1256
sea level average, 1160-1162
strength detection of, 1255, 1256

Magnetic mapping: car bodies, 153-161, 172

Magnetometers, proton see Proton magnetometers

Malfunctions of automobiles see Automobile malfunctions

Malfunction of radar see Radar, malfunction of

Maney, C. A.: on "angel hair", 131-132 on ring imprints, 129

Manhattan Beach, Calif. case, Feb. 1957, 133

Man-made device see Artifacts

Manning, T. E., 915

Mantell, Thomas: in Louisville, Ky case, 847-848

Mapping, magnetic see Magnetic mapping

Marconi Research Laboratory, England, 1085

The Marine Observer: quoted on astronomical refraction, 1040, 1044
quoted on atmospheric refraction, 1028, 1030

Marliens, France incident, 136

Mars, planet: gravitational pull of, 42-43
life on, 41, 44-46

Marsh gas, 1174

"Martian Invasion Defense Program," 875

Marynov, D.: quoted on sightings, 924-925

Mass hysteria, 979-982

Material deposited, alleged, 131-133

Matter, ionization of see Ionization of matter

Maury Island incident, (1947), 114, 846, 965

Menzel, Donald H., 21, 46-47, 925, 927
"Do Flying Saucers Move in Straight Lines?", 891-892
Flying Saucers, 879

Menzel, D. H. and L. G. Boyd: on Case 49, 647

Menzel, D.H. and L.G.Boyd, The World of Flying Saucers: on Case 48, 639-640

Mercury 6: observations from, 289-290

Mercury 7: observations from, 9, 290, 303-305

Mercury 8: observations from, 290-291, 293

Mercury 9: observations from, 291, 294

Mercury flights, 288
log of manned flights, 270
observations assigned 271-273
observations from, 268-312
time in orbit, 269

Mercury, planet: life on, 41

Merint reports: security for, 888

Merritt, Everitt, photogrammetist, 50-51

Metallic material: from St. Lawrence River case, 135-136
from Case 42, 137-138
from Ubatuba case, 138-143

Meteor sounds see Noise

Meteorite Recovery Project see Smithsonian Meteorite Recovery Project

Meteorites: electric fields of, 1185-1188, 1189, 1190
photographs of path, 1220
radar detection of, 1097
recovery of, 1223
trajectories of, 281

Meteoroids: as probable explanation, 947-948, 1255
detection of, 1254
electric fields produced by, 1185-1186, 1189
source of, 1219

Meteorological conditions: summarized, 261, 263

Meteorological optics see Optics, atmospheric

Meteors: as probable explanation, 196, 203, 223, 236, 250, 253,
508-510 (Case 27),
560-562 (Case 36),
948-961 passim, 1227-1228
characteristics of, 1258-1262
electric fields of, 1156, 1158, 1185-1188
flux of, 971
luminosity of, 293
observed from spacecraft, 293
radar tracking of, 1252-1253
research on, 1219-1229, 1252-1254
source of, 1219

Meteors, Geminid see Geminid meteors

Meteor trails: radar detection of, 1096-1097
described, 1186

Methodology, statistical see Statistical methodology

Michaux, C.M., Handbook of the Physical Properties of the Planet Mars, 44

Michel, Aime, 890-892 on "angel hair", 132

Micrometeorites, 1188-1190

Middleton, W. E. Knowles, Vision through the Atmosphere, 1047

Mie, Gustav, 1249

Military communication channels see Communication channels

Military installations: reports near, 32, 33

Miller, Stanley L.: on life proteins, 40

Millman, Peter M., in Case 22, 492
on Canadian UFO study program, 921-922
on single observer sightings, 105

Minnaert, M.: on lights from swamps, 900-901
quoted on Case 54, 706

Mirage: as probable explanation, 209-210, 226-227, 541, 551-554, 555-557 (Case 35)
characteristics of, 988, 1017-1030, 1053-1056
formation of, 551, 553, 554-557 (Case 35)

Mirage images: brightening of, 1033-1037
focusing of, 1033-1037, 1052, 1055-1056
number and shape of, 1022-1030

Mirage, optical, 191, 192, 987-1056
defined, 987
distortions, 987
duration, 987, 1020-1022
literature of, 987-999

Mirfak, star: probably sighted, 198

Misidentification: as probable explanation, 51
of real stimuli, 977

Misinterpretation: as probable explanation, 94-100, 943-974

Missile, sub-orbital: as probable explanation, 1241

Mohawk Airlines case, 213-214

Moon: as probable explanation, 1228
photographed, 113
trails of, 738, Plate 3
fragments, as probable explanation, 947-948

Moon satellites see Satellites, moon

Moroney, N.J., Facts from Figures: quoted on statistics, 1271, 1277

Moseley, James W.: on flying saucer captured, 128
operator of Saucers, 19

Motion: judgment of, 934, 938

Mt.Palomar Observatory event Oct. 1949, 147

Mt.Palomar Observatory Sky Atlas, 906

Mt.Palomar Schmidt telescope, 1254

Mountaintop electricity: physiological effects of, 1182-1185

Mountaintops: electric fields on, 1156, 1181-1185

Murrow, Edward R.: television show, 856

Mustel, E.: quoted on sightings, 924-925

Mystery see Secrecy


Narashimhan, C. V.: quoted on United Nations, 927

Nash, W. B., 364

National Academy of Sciences, 918
to review Colorado project, ix

National Academy of Sciences, Space Science Board, Biology and Exploration of Mars, 44

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). see U. S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), 5
support of Colorado project, viii, ix

National defense: relation of reports to, 7

National Investigations Committee for Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), 19, 32, 33, 85, 325, 328-330,
582-588 (Case 39),
644-645 (Case 49),
657-662 (Case 50)
field teams, 23
file of UFO reports, 31
founded, 876
in Case 52, 671-697
incorporated, 893
investigation by, 94
on Chiles-Whitted case, 963
published reports of Project Grudge and Project Blue Book, 857
reports of cases, 73
sighting reports received(1967), 84
source of data, 110, 178
types of reports investigated, 105

National Opinion Research Center, 337

National Research Council, Ottawa, Upper Atmosphere Research Section: Non-Meteoritic Sighting File, 922

National Science Foundation see U.S. National Science Foundation

National security: threat to, 7, 18, 864, 869-871, 893, 903, 906, 909

Naval Photographic Interpretation Center see U.S. Naval Photographic Interpretation Center

NCAR see National Center for Atmospheric Research

Negatives see Films

Nemuro AF Detachment, Hokkaido, Japan, case Feb. 1953, 181-182

Neoprene balloons see Balloons, neoprene

Neptune, planet: life on, 41

Nests see "Saucer nests"

Network of observing stations: possibilities of, 64-67

New Mexico aircraft flight case April 1966, 114, 710-711

New Zealand: study program in, 926

Niagara Falls, N. Y., case July 1957, 219

NICAP see National Investigations Committee for Aerial Phenomena

Noise: from bolides, 1186-1187, 1188-1189
from electric storms, 7, 1183-1184
from fireball of Feb. 1913, 960, 962
from meteorites, 1187
from meteors, 1185, 1186, 1187-1188
in tornadoes, 1176, 1177

Nolli, Gianfranco: on "Tulli papyrus", 839

Non-event: e.g. Case 19, 100-102, 466-467

Non-Meteoritic Sighting File, Canada, 922

Non-sighters: demographic analysis of, 325, 337-338
reporting by, 338-348
responses to opinion survey, 350

NORAD see North American Air Defense Command

North American Air Defense Command, 298
catalogue of objects in orbit, 294, 308
identification of Zond IV, 949
in Case 52, 687-690, 696
on Gemini 4 sighting, 308

North American Power Systems Interconnection Committee July 1967, 164

Northeast power outage March 1965, 164-171

Northrop Corporation, 1153

Nuclear explosion: as possible explanation of bolide, 1189

Null hypothesis see Reports, null hypothesis applied to


Objects in space see Artifacts; Space objects; Spacecraft; Satellites

O'Brien, Brian, i, 10, 18, 903-904

O'Brien Committee, 109, 893-913, 916
quoted on project recommendations, 10, 11, 18
recommendations of, 907-908
report commented on, 909
report quoted, 905-908

Observatories, geomagnetic see Geomagnetic observatories

Observer: ability of, 1214-1215
conceptions see Conceptions of observers
creditability of, 976, 982-983
defects of vision, 47
psychology of, 984
See also Sighters

Odessa, Wash. case, Dec. 1952, 210-212

O'Keefe, John A.: on Glenn effect, 304-305

Old Testament see Bible

Olivier, Charles P.: analysis of fireball reports, 970
in Case 36, 562

Olmsted Air Force Base: reports to, 32

Olsen, T., The Reference for Outstanding UFO Reports: index of reports, 31

Opinion on UFOs, 315-362
correlated to age and education, 355-361

Opinion, public see Public opinion

Opinion Research Center see National Opinion Research Center

Opinion Research Corporation, 60, 62
Caravan surveys, 316-317, 325, 326, 337

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 867, 875

Optical illusion: nature of, 977

Optical mirage see Mirage, optical

Optical refractive index see Light waves, refractive index

Optical scintillation see Scintillation

Optical waves see Light waves

Optics, atmospheric, 46-47

Optics, geometrical: of mirage, 1000, 1007, 1054

Optics, meteorological see Optics, atmospheric

Orbiting Solar Observatory, 285-286

Orcadas Naval Station, Antarctica, event July 1965, 148-150

Orlansky, Jesse: member O'Brien committee, 904

Orthicon see Image orthicon

Orthoteny; defined, 890

Ostrom, Carl E: in Case 38, 580
on forest damage, 130-131

Oswego, Oregon, incident, Sept. 1947, 853-854

Ottawa New Sciences Club, 135-136

Outer Space Affairs Group see United Nations, Outer Space Affairs Group

Owls: as probable explanation, 468, 472-473 (Case 20)


Page, R.M., The Origin of Radar, 55

Page, Thornton, 868-869

Palomar Observatory see Mt. Palomar Observatory

Panoramic Research Laboratory, 852-853

Paris, Texas case, March 1967, 196

Particles, ionized see Ionized particles

Pearson Product Moment Coefficients, 333, 357

Pennsylvania Power & Light Company outage, June 1967, 162

Pegasus B: observed from spacecraft, 308-309

Percept: formulation of, 937-939
influences on, 940

Perception, 976-981
causes of, 943-948, 962-964, 974
defined, 937
distortions of, 977-981
errors in, 977-979
medical and psychological tests of, 982
process of, 930-941

Perception, visual, 46

Physical effects, 52-55, 128-144, 146-172

Physiological effects, 146

Phobos, moon of Mars, 45

Phoenix, Ariz. incident, JuIy 1947, quoted from Project Grudge report, 852-853

Photoelectric sensors: recommendations for, 1266

Photographic effects: common classes of, 113

Photographic evidence: discussed by Klass, 1191-1192

Photographic network: for future research, 1269

Photographs: as evidence, 89-90, 108
classification of cases, 116, 117, 118
conclusions summarized, 124-125
criteria for study, 120-121
data, hidden, 110-111
diagnostic characteristics, 115
fabrication of, 120
first reported, July 4, 1947, 845
from spacecraft: Proton III, 298, 299, Plate 17, 18
from spacecraft: Radar Evaluation Pod, 300, 739, Plate 19
Gemini program, 302, Plate 18, 19
in Case 7, 411-4l5
in Case 24, 498-502
in Case 46, 607-625
in Case 47, 628-635
in Case 48, 637-640
in Case 49, 641-653
in Case 50, 655-665
in Case 51, 667-670
in Case 52, 671-697
in Case 53, 115, 698-700
in Case 54, 702-709
in Case 55, 710-714
in Case 56, 716-718
in Case 57, 720, 722-727
in Case 58, 729-732
in Case 59, 733, 735, 736
in Phoenix, Ariz. case, 852-853
of fireballs, 970-971
of meteors, 1219-1229
of RCAF pilot, 1956, 1170
of stars, 1219-1229
priorities for study of, 116
quality of, 112
study of, 49-52
types of, 111
unexplained cases, 109, 119
unexplained cases summarized 125-126

Photometer, airglow: searching, 1234-1239
sky coverage by, 1263

Photometers, scanning, 1232-1234
analysis of data of, 1215
in UFO searches, 66
space coverage by, 1263, 1265

Photometer, zodiacal light: scanning, 1241-1246

Pibal balloon see Weather balloon

Pickering, W. H., 1229

Pike's Peak Station see Harvard College Observatory, Pike's Peak Station

Pilot balloons see Balloons, lighted

Plan Position Indicator see Radar - Plan Position Indicator

Planets see names of individual planets

Plasma, 1156-1194
characteristics expected, 1194
radar detection of, 1073, 1093-1097

Plasma blobs: as possible explanation, 1191

Plasma UFO Conference, Boulder, Colo. Oct. 1967, 1193-1194

Plastic balloons see Balloons, neoprene; Balloons, polyethylene

Pluto, planet, 1229
life on, 41

Poe, William E: quoted in Case 52, 685

Polls see Colorado Study of Public Attitudes, 1968; Gallup; Opinion Research Corporation-Caravan Surveys; Public Opinion

Pollux, star: probably sighted, 198

Polyethylene balloons see Balloons, polyethylene

Polygraph: use of, 983

Population: samples of, 325-332

Port Townsend, Wash, case: soil tests, 131

Powell, Bill: in Case 46, 610

Power line faults: as probable explanation, 503 (Case 25)

Power systems see Electric power systems

Powers, W. T.: on future research, 1269

Prairie Network, 65-66, 111, 1251, 1255, 126I, 1269
as source of data, III
capabilities of, 1265
evaluation of, 1224-1229
field headquarters of, 1223, 1224
operation of, 1219-1229
recommendations for, 1266
reports, films classified, 1227
sightings by, 1224, 1230
space coverage by, 1262-1264

Pranks see Hoaxes

Precipitation: radar detection of, 1073, 1074-1078

President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration, 339

Presnell, R. I., 58

Presque Isle State Park, Penna. incident, July 1966: landing gear imprint at, 129

Price, William, 12

Pro, Maynard, J.: analysis in Case 4, 393
analysis of metal, 141

Product Moment Coefficients see Pearson Product Moment Coefficients

Project Blue Book, 7, 10, 11, 18, 74, 76, 80, 82, 99-100, 129, 134, 147, 379,
381-385 (Case 2),
397-398 (Case 5),
325, 328-330, 551 (Case 35),
642-652 passim (Case 49),
685, 693 (Case 52),
713 (Case 55)
correspondence re Case 47, 627-632
establishment of, 857, 860
file of UFO reports, 31
operating instructions, 884
personnel investigating Michigan cases, 899-902
report on Zond IV, 949, 950
reports for 1953 to 65, 893
reports of cases, 73
review of, 903, 905-908
source of data, 110, 178
source of reports, 33

Project Grudge., 851-866
establishment of, 850, 857
reactivated Oct. 1941, 857
recommendations of, 853-855, 857

Project Magnet, 922

Project Second Storey: study program of, 922

Project Sign, 844-851
final report quoted, (1949), 850-851
final report quoted by Keyhoe, 851

Project Sign, Estimate of the Situation: Conclusions of, 849

Proton III: observed from spacecraft, 298-300

Proton magnetometers; described, 1255-1256

Proximal stimulus: ambiguity of, 932-934

Psychiatric evaluation: of observers recommended, 983

Psychiatric problems, 6

Psychiatric studies: possibility of, 64

Psychic predictions, 100 (Case 19)

Psychological studies: possibility of, 63

Psychological testing in cases 33, 38, 42, 87, 598-599 (Case 42)
of observers recommended, 983
value of, 104

Psychological Warfare Division: in Grudge recommendations, 854-855

Psychology, national: effect of propaganda on, 870

Public Attitudes Study see Colorado Study of Public Attitudes, 1968

Public opinion: on UFOs, 59-62, 315-362

Public opinion poll respondents, demographic analysis of, 319-323

Putt, Donald, Brig. Gen., USAF, 851

Pvibram, Czechoslovakia meteor, 1223

Quintanilla, Hector, Lt. Col., USAF, 21


Anomalous propagation effects, 173-266 passim, 1109-1114, 1249
as probable explanation, 188, 194, 203, 223, 239, 247, 250, 253, 257-258, 261-266, 445 (Case 16), 541, 551-558 (Case 35), 743, 859, Plate 68
formation of, 551-558 (Case 35)

Cardinal point effect, 1116

Chaff, 133, 136
as probable explanation, 388, 390 (Case 3)

Corner reflectors, 1116

Curvature of waves, 1106-1110 1456

"Angels", 1088, 1091, 1099, 1100, 1113-1114
as RFI, 1118
auroras, 1093, 1095-1096
ball lightning, 1095
birds and insects, 1081-1091
chaff, window, rope, 1098-1099
distant around returns, 1099-1117
evaluation of, 1131-1137
fireballs, 1097
from aircraft, 1078-1081
ground clutter, 1099-1117, 1123-1124
ionized particles, 1093—1097
lightning, 1093-1095
meteorites, 1097
meteors, 1096-1097
multiple trip, 1064, 1091
plasmas, 1093-1097
precipitation, 1074-1078
related to targets, 1071-1072, 1138-1139
satellite, 1091-1093
sferics, 1095
side lobe, 1121-1131
signal variation, 1066-1069
smoke, 1099
space objects, 1091-1093
surface objects, 1099-1117
terrain features, 1099-1117
weather balloons, 1097-1098
See also "Angels", Radar, reflections

Evaluation Pod, 739, Plate 19
observed from spacecraft, 300, 301
sun-illuminated, 300

Evidence: discussed by Klass, 1191-1192

False targets, 1110-1139
probable explanation, 240

Frequency bands, 1074-1131 passim

Fundamentals of, 1063-1069

Ghost, 1121, 1125-1127

Ground clutter, 743, Plate 68b

Information from, 1059-1140, 1246-1253

Interference signals, 1117-1121

Jamming, 133, 136

Malfunction of, as probable explanation, 445 (Case 16)

Meteor Project, Long Branch, Ill., 1254
described, 1252

Networks, 65

Noise track, as probable explanation, 324

Plan position indicator, 742, Plate 65, 1068-1069, 1071-1140 passim

Reflected, as probable explanation, 183

Reflections, 1121-1131

Reflectors, 1124-1130, 1134-1137

Resolving power of, 1246-1248

Scanning: space coverage by, 1263-1264

Sensitivity of, 1248-1253

Side lobes of antenna, 1111, 1121-1131

Sighting, 397-404 (Case 5), 564-565 (Case 37)

Sightings see Sightings, radar

Sightings of UFO's, 55-58

Signal sources, 1072-1131

Space coverage by, 1262-1263

Systems, description of, 1060-1063
reliability of, 1060, 1069-1070, 1138-1139

Target identification, 1110-1117, 1131-1139

Target intensity, 1133-1134

Target velocity, 1131-1133

Tropospheric propagation of radio waves, 1099-1117

Uses of, 1246-1248 WSR-57 weather instruments, 1251-1252

Weather see Weather radar network

See also Radio waves


Radiation level: effects on, 147, 172

Radioactivity: claimed, 130, 133

Radio blackouts: relation to solar flares, 1159

Radio dusting, 1123

Radio frequency interference (RFI), 1117-1121, 1138

Radio interference, 743, Plate 67

Radio meteorology: principles of, 1100-1117

Radiosonde balloons see Balloons, Neoprene; Weather balloons, Balloons, Radiosonde

Radio waves: forward scatter of, 1113-1115
propagation of, 1100-1117
reflection of, 1100-1117, 1138
refraction of, 1100-1117
refractive index, 176-177, 1100-1117
profiles of, 179-256 passim
See also Radar

Rainbow: myths of, 818-819

Raman, C.V.: on mirage, 1052, 1056

Ramberg, Walter: quoted on "Tulli papyrus", 839

Rankow, Ralph: in Case 50, 662
quoted on Case 52, 691, 693-694

Rapid City, S.D. case, Aug. 1953, 196-203

Ratchford, J. Thomas, 913
set up project, 12

Reasoning see Deductive reasoning; Inductive reasoning

Recommendations: for future investigations, 265-266

Reflection: in the atmosphere, 1006-1009

Refraction: in the atmosphere, 1000-1007, 1009-1011, 1014-1016, 1054
literature of, 988-999

Refraction, astronomical: color separation in, 1037-1044

Refraction, Snell's law of see Snell's law of refraction

Refractive index see Light waves, refractive index; Radio waves, refractive index

Reporting: influences on, 940
medical and psychological tests of, 982
reliability of, 964-974

Reports, 969, 974
credibility of, 940-941
early, 16-19
explanation of, 24-30
interpretation of, 943-974
Null hypothesis applied to, 1275-1276
opinions on, 315-362
patterns in, 1274-1275
recommendation for handling, 6-7
sources of, 30-33
stimuli for, 13-16
time and place of, 31, 32

Reports, published, availability of, 908
classified, 18

Revere Copper and Brass, Inc., Brooklyn, N.Y., in Case 3, 388
Foil Division, 133

Ring angels: radar identification of, 1088
See also Radar, echo: birds and insects

Ring imprints: alleged, 129-131

Roach, Franklin E.: appointed to Colorado project, viii, 917
investigation by, 94-99
on astronaut observations, 58-59

Roberts, C.E.B., The Mysterious Madame: quoted on Mme. Blavatsky, 833

Roberts, Walter Orr, 917

Robertson, H.P., 18, 866-867

Robertson Panel, 855, 866-879, 893 "Debunking" recommended by, 878-879
educational program recommended by, 878
on Case 49, 646, 647, 651
report quoted, 869-971 see Appendix
training program recommended by, 878

Robinson, Marvin, 927

Rocket, as probable explanation, 440 (Case 14)

Rocket boosters, observed from spacecraft, 305, 310-311

Rockets: exhaust trails, 114
launch paced by UFO, 114, 124

Rocky Mountain Power Pool meeting, June 1967, 164

"Rope": radar detection of, 1073, 1098-1099

Rorschach, Hermann, 819-920

Roth, H.E.: reports of sightings, 84

Rothberg, Gerald H.: on future research, 1269
quoted on all-sky cameras, 1218-1219

Roush, J. Edward, 68

Royal Canadian Air Force, report on Case 57, 720, 723, 725, 726

Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 538-540 (Case 34)

Rubber balloons see Balloons, neoprene

Ruppelt, E.J., 860
head of Projects Grudge and Blue Book, 857
on Case 49, 645, 646, 648, 649
on Desvergers case, 862
on Louisville, Ky. case, 848
on Project Grudge report, 851-852
quoted on Case 47, 631
quoted on Keyhoe, 876
quoted on Maury Island Hoax, 965
The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, 21

Rush, Joseph H., 1256

Rusk, Dean: quoted on Colorado project, 926

Russell, Bertrand, Skeptical Essays: quoted on expert opinion, 840-841

Russia see U.S.S.R.


Sagan, Carl, 68
member O'Brien committee, 904

St. Elmo's fire, 1158
as possible explanation, Klass theory of, 1190
described, 1170, 1173
See also Ball lightning

St. Lawrence River, Quebec case, July 1960, 134, 135-136

St. Petersburg, Fla. incident, 1951, 1172

Salisbury, Frank B.: quoted on moons on Mars, 46

Sampling: of phenomena, 1274

Santa Ana, Calif. case, Aug. 1965, 112, 115, 123-124, 671-697, 741, Plate 42

Santa Ana Register, in Case 52, 685-694

Satellites, artificial: as probable explanation, 105, 1255
atmospheric drag on, 276-281
brightness of, 283
characteristics of, 1259-1262
deceleration of, 281-282
for future earth-surveillance, 1269
orbit of, 276-283, 292, 294-300
radar detection of, 1073, 1091-1093
re-entries of, 84, 276, 281 See also Spacecraft

Satellites, earth: search for small, 1229-1232

Satellite, Earth-surveillance see Earth-surveillance satellite

Satellites, moon: search for, 1231

Saturn, Planet, 27, 191
life on, 41

Saucer "nests": alleged of UFOs, 128-131

Saucers and Unexplained Celestial Events Research Society (SAUCERS), 19

Sault Saint Marie Air Force Base case, Sept. 1966, 193-194

Saunders, David R.: on staff of Colorado project, 917

Scanning photometers see Photometers scanning

Scanning radar see Radar, scanning

Scattering of light see Light, scattering

Schiaparelli, G.V.: map of Mars, 45

Schirra, Walter M., Jr.: quoted on airglow, 290-291, 293

Schmidt telescope see Mt. Palomar Schmidt telescope

Schools: attitude toward UFOs, 8

Schroeder, Earl: quoted on "claw" markings, 51-52

Science: contribution of study to, 2-3, 7

Scientific research: possibilities for, 2-5

Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects see Colorado project.

Scientists: caution of, 35-36
decisions of, 2-5

Scintillation: atmospheric, 1044-1047, 1055
literature of, 999

Scorpio (Shaula) star: as probable explanation, 181

Scott, William A.: on social psychology of UFOs, 323-324, 332, 361
on staff, Colorado project, 917

Scully, Frank, Behind the Flying Saucers, 856

Second Storey see Project Second Storey

Secrecy, 18, 20-21
of project reports, 869-874, 876, 877-878
of UFO reports, 7

Security, national see National security

Seeing see Perception, visual

Seitz, Frederick, 924

Selfridge Air Force Base, Mich.: personnel investigating Michigan cases, 899-902

Sensation: alertness as factor of, 935-936
modifications of, 934-937

Sensors, automatic see Automatic sensors

Sensors, electromagnetic see Electromagnetic sensors

Sensors, photoelectric see Photoelectric sensors

Sensory anomalies: effect on sensation, 936

Sensory deprivation: occurrence of, 978, 980

Sex: as factor in opinions on UFOs, 62

Sferics: radar detection of, 1095

Shape: judgment of, 934, 938

Sharif, M. experiment on perception, 979-980

Shells, concentric with the earth: search of, 1229, 1231

Shields, C.A.: in Case 38, 579

Shimmer: astronomical, 1046

Shinano earthquake, 1847: luminous effects of, 1180

Shiroi Air Force Base, Japan: quoted on Haneda case, 1952, 186

Shklovskii, I.S.: on moons of Mars, 45-46

Shklovskii, I.S. and Sagan, Carl, Intelligent Life in the Universe: discussion of ILE, 37

Shock waves see Sonic boom

Shockley, John S., 236, 239

Shooting stars, 1184-1185

Sidell, Ill, image orthicon, 1252, 1254

Sienko and Plane: quoted on swamp gas, 901-902

Sighters: attitudes of, 315-362
demographic analysis of, 319-323, 325, 328-329, 337-338
public and private responses of, 324
reporting by, 338-348
responses to UFO opinion survey, 350, 352, 355
See also Observers


Air Force information on, 94-99, 100-103

Air Force study of, 10-12

Altitude of, 1260-1262

Analyses of, 885

Ancient, 824-839
nconclusiveness of, 821-822

Available information on, 73

Azimuth of, 1260, 1262

BAYVIC line, Sept. 1944, 890

By astronauts, 268-312
See also Spacecraft, observations from

Causes of, 943-948

Data needed, 1258

Decision to investigate, 85-86

Duration of, 22, 1258, 1260

Early notification of, 84-85

Explaining reports of, 24-30

History of, 813-841, 844-920

History of, (1947 to 1968), 844-918

Hypotheses for, 174

In Illinois, (1967), 1254-1255

In 1952, 864

Instrumental, 1256, 1262-1268

Instrumented, 64-67, 1214-1270

Interpretations of reports, 943-974

Investigation of, 103-106, 907-910

Of balloons, 1211-1212

Of 1947, 845

Percentage reported, 15-16, 63

Previously unreported, 78-83

Psychology of, 976-984

Radar, SS-S8, 104, 173-266, 219240
blip--like, 240-261
in Case 37, 564-565

Repetitive, 83-84

Reporting of, 338-348

Reports of, 33, 940-941

"Straight line mystery", 890

Suppressed data, 111

Unexplained, 116, 125-126, 192, 193, 207, 210, 214, 245-246, 259, 306-309, 1239
by astronauts, 59, 306-309
by Project Grudge, 851
Case 2, 372-387
Case 5, 397
Case 6, 88-89, 405, 410
Case 8, 416-417
Case 10, 87-88, 422
Case 12, 432, 435
Case 13, 436-437
Case 14, 438-442
Case 17, 451, 457
Case 21, 474-483
Case 22, 484-493
Case 31, 524-526
Case 33, 532-537
Case 34, 538-540
Case 39, 87-88
Case 42, 596—598
Case 43, 599, 602
Case 44, 603-604
Case 46, 625
Case 47, 626-635
Case 52, 671-697
Case 56, 716, 718
Case 57, 720-727
Case of B-47, 82
numerical occurrence of, 1269-1270
observed from spacecraft, 306—311
percentage, (1947 to 1965;)905
percentage of photographic cases, 109
statistical study of "residual" reports, 969-973
velocity range of, 1260-1261
visual, 147, 173-266, 193-219
Washington, D.C., (1952, )860
Wright-Patterson AFB, 1952, 860-861

S (Cont'd)

Sign, Project see Project Sign

Sirius, star: as probable explanation, 105, 577-598 (Case 38)

Size: judgment of, 932-933, 934, 938

Size-distance relations, 47-48

Sky and Telescope: reports on fireballs, 970

Sky coverage network: cost of, 1267-1268

Proposal for, 1265-1268

"Skyhook" balloons see Balloons, "Skyhook"

Sky-luminescence see Luminescence

Sky survey: by photometers, 1232-1234
by telescope, 1265
of airglow, 1233, 1234-1239
of zodiacal light, 1233, 1241-1246

Smith, Warren P., 742, Plate 61-62

Smith, Warren, and Gabriel Green, Let's Face the Facts about Flying Saucers: quoted on 1720 A.D. sighting, 824-825

Smith, Wilbert B. 922

Smithsonian Institution, 65-66, 1252, 1254
Radar Meteor Project: adaptable to UFO searches, 66-67
research on meteorites, 1219
Visual Prairie Network, 906

Smithsonian Meteorite Recovery Project: costs of, 1267

Smoke: radar detection of, 1073, 1099

Snell's law of refraction, 1000, 1001 , l005-1007, 1009-1010, 1017, 1054

Snowstorm luminescence: as possible explanations, 1192

Social forces: influence on reporting, 974

Sodium flare see Flare, sodium

Soil tests, 131

Solar flares: cause, effect, 1159

Solar Observatory, Orbiting see Orbiting Solar Observatory

Sonic boom, 1146-1154
absence of, 52-53, 147, 214, 1146 , 1154
atmospheric effects on, 1151-1152
propagation of, 1147-1151, 1153
reduction of, 1152, 1153
wind effects on, 1151

Superbooms, 1153
See also Sound waves

Sonora and Camarillo, Calif. case, Nov. 1967, Dec. 1967, 729-736 (Case 58)

Sonora, Calif., case, 116, 742, Plate 63

Sound see Noise

Sound effects see Sonic boom

Sound, Speed of see Sound waves

Sound waves: speed of, 1147 See also Sonic boom

South Hill, Virginia, incident, April 1967: landing gear imprint of, 129

Soviet satellite Zond see Zond

Soviet Union see U.S.S.R.

Space: characteristics of, 279

Spacecraft: disintegration of Zond IV, 949-958

Spacecraft: luminosity of, 281

Spacecraft: observations from, 268-312
Agena, 302
Airglow, 289-292
artifacts, 294-300
Aurora, 292
Bogie, 307, 309-311
ELSS, 298
extra-vehicular activity (EVA), 305
Glenn particles, 285, 303-305
meteors, 293
Pegasus B, 308-309
Proton III, 298-300
Radar Evaluation Pod, 300, 391, 739, Plate 19
rocket boosters, 305, 310, 311
stars, 292-293
twilight bands, 294
unidentified, 306-309
uriglow, 285, 304
zodiacal light, 293, 294

Spacecraft: reentry of, 281
rendezvous and docking of, 300, 302
rendezvous of: Agena, 300
windows of, 274-276, 292, 293, 294, 311
See also Satellites, artificial

Spacecraft, extraterrestrial see Extraterrestrial intelligence

"Space grass", 132-133

Space objects: as causes of sightings, 943-948
characteristics of, 1256-1262
classified, 175-176
mass of, 281, 283, 284, 286, 287
radar detection of, 1073, 1091-1093
sun-illuminated, 283-287, 304
See also Artifacts; Spacecraft; Satellites; names of specific objects

Space travel fiction, 34

Speed: judgment of, 933-934, 938

Spheres, metal: as probable explanation, 136-137

Spherics see Sferics

Spiders: as probable explanation, 132

Spitzbergen Island case, (1952, ) 133-134

Sprinkle, R. Leo: on hypnotic examination of witness, 598-599 (Case 42)
quoted on Lorenzen book, 879-880

Squall lines: source of tornadoes, 1174

SS Hampton Roads case, 253

Stanford Research Institute, 55
contribution to Colorado project, iii

Stars: as probable explanation, 182, 203, 220, 232, 234, 236,
575-580 (Case 38)
magnitude of, 1222
observed from spacecraft, 292-293
scintillating, as probable explanation, 181
visibility of, 292-293
See also names of individual stars and planets

Stars, shooting see Shooting stars

Statistical analysis: of UFO phenomena, 1271-1278

Statistical methodology: for studying UFO phenomena, 1272, 1277-1278

Stimulus, concomitant: effect on sensation, 936

Stimulus, proximal see Proximal stimulus

Stolyarov, Porfiry A., 923

Storms, geomagnetic see Geomagnetic storms

Stringfield, L.H.: investigation of Case 55, 711, 712, 714

Strong, Ralph, Case 50, 662, 663

Strontium: added to magnesium, 143 in Case 4, 395

Study programs regarding UFOs: in foreign countries, 921-928

Subsonic aircraft see Aircraft, subsonic

Sub-sun: as probable explanation, 116, 702-709 (Case S4) in photographs, 113, 738, Plate 2

Sullivan, Walter, We are Not Alone: review of ILE, 36-37

Sulphur see Brimstone odors

Sun: worship of, 817-818
See also Sub-sun

Sun illuminated space objects see Space objects sun illuminated

Sunspots: nature of, 1158-1159

Super-pressure balloons see Balloons, super-pressure

Super-Schmidt Camera, 1220-1222
sky coverage by, 1265

Supersonic aircraft see Aircraft supersonic

Surface objects: radar detection of, 1099-1117

Swamp gas, 1174
as probable explanation, 899-902
theory for ball lightning, 1168

Sweden: sightings in, 17
study programs in, 921, 923

Sweden, Research Institute of National Defence: study programs, 923

Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, Washington, D.C., July 1968, 68


Tachikawa Air Force Base, Japan, 187

Teenagers: responses to UFO opinion survey, 348-351, 354-355

sample of, 325, 337

Television camera see Camera, television

Temperature gradients in the atmosphere see Atmosphere, temperature gradients in

Temperature inversions: in mirage formation, 1011-1014, 1053-1054

Temperature lapses: in mirage formation, 1011-1012, 1018, 1053-1054

Tennessee Valley Authority outage Feb.1967, 162

Terrain features: as probable explanations, 224
radar detection of, 1099-1117

Terrestrial magnetic disturbances see Magnetic field, earth: disturbances of

Testing, psychological see Psychological testing

Thacher, Peter S.: quoted on U.N. committees, 927-928

Thayer, Gordon: quoted on anomalous propagation hypothesis, 58
"Light scattering by aerosol particles", 1047-1052

Thomas, Paul: on "Miracle of Fatima", 823

Thomas, Paul, Flying Saucers Through the Ages: quoted on Byland Abbey sighting, 828-829

Thompson, Frank, Lt. Cmdr, USN: Washington, D.C. case, 135

Thor-Agena rocket: in Case 51, 667-670

Thunderstorms: electric fields of, 1156, 1161-1162, 1170-1175, 1182-1183

Thutmose III, 1504-1450 B.C., Annals: quoted 835-836, 838

Tillamook, Ore. case Mar.1967, 183-184

Titan, second phase, 307

Titan 3 C-4, satellite Sept. 1967: re-entry of, 958-959

Titanium: as component of "angel hair", 132

Tombaugh Survey, 1229-1232, 1265, 1266

Tornado clouds: as possible explanation, 1192

Tornado lightning: description of, 1156, 1174-1178, 1179, 1193

Tornadoes: characteristics of, 1259-1262
electric field of, 1256

Tosa earthquake (1698) luminous effects of, 1180

Tracking films see Films, tracking

Traill, R. J.: quoted in Case 22, 492-493

Tremonton, Utah. case July 1952, 641-653; movie film frame, 740, Plate 31

Trench, Brinsley LePoer: quoted on ancient sightings, 824, 828
The Flying Saucer Story, quoted 835-836

Troposphere see Atmosphere

Truckee, Calif. case, Sept. 1963, 35, 883-884

Tucson, Ariz. incident Oct. 1967; landing gear, imprint of, 87

Tulli , Alberto: "Tulli papyrus", 835-839

"Tulli papyrus": quoted, 835-836, 838

Tunguska Meteor of 1908, 1219

Tunguska River, Siberia, incident, June 1908, 1188-1190

Twilight bands: observed from space-craft, 294

Twilight effects: of balloons, 1209-1210

Twining, Nathan F., Lt.Gen, USAF: established study, 844
on secrecy, 874


Ubatuba, Sao Paulo, Brazil, case (1957), 54, 138-143

UFO see Unidentified flying objects

UFO Contact, periodical: quoted on Adamski's work, 894-895

Uhlenbeck, George, 867

Uncertainty: quantitative treatment of, 1271

Unexplained sightings see Sightings, unexplained

Unidentified bright objects (UBO):
study of, 1234-1239, 1240-1246

Unidentified flying object: defined, 13-14

Unidentified sightings see Sightings, unidentified

United Artists: documentary film by, 632 (Case 47)

United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 927-928

United Nations, Outer Space Affairs Group, 924, 927, 928

U.S.Air Force see Air Force

U.S. Bureau of Internal Revenue, National Office Laboratory: analysis of metal, 140-143

U.S. Central Intelligence Agency see Central Intelligence Agency

U.S. Congress, House Committee on Armed Services: defense concerns, 68

U.S. Congress, House Committee on Science and Astronautics: research concerns, 68

U.S. Department of Defense, 5, 7

U.S. Environmental Science Services Administration, 5

U.S. Environmental Science Services Administration (ESSA), 5
support of Colorado project, viii-ix

U.S. Federal Aviation Agency see Federal Aviation Agency

U.S. Federal Power Commission see Federal Power Commission

U.S. Forest Service, Region 2: reports of sightings, 84

U.S. House Armed Services Committee: hearing on UFO problems, 909

U.S. Internal Revenue Service, Research and Methods Evaluation Group: analysis in Case 4, 393

U.S. Library of Congress: Bibliography of UFO literature, 898

U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 5, 58, 298

U.S. National Science Foundation, 5

U.S. Naval Photographic Interpretation Center: on Case 49, 647

U.S. Navy captain case (1962), 78-79

U.S. President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration see President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration

U.S. Weather Bureau, 1251
radar adaptable to UFO searches, 66
reports of sightings, 84

Universal City Studios: photographs of sightings, 729 (Case 58)

Universe: dimensions of, 38-39

University of Arizona: contribution to Colorado project, ix.

University of Colorado, 12, 913-918 passim
assumes project, vii-ix
Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects see Colorado project

Unknown see Sightings unexplained

Upper Atmosphere Research Section Canada: study program of, 922

Uranus, planet: life on, 41

Urbana, Illinois sighting Nov. 1967, 1255

Uriglow, 739, Plate 22

U.S.S.R.: study programs in, 923-925

Utica, New York case June 1955, 213-214


Vallee, Jacques: on patterns in reports, 1275
quoted on alignments, 892
quoted on ancient sightings, 824-827, 828, 830

Valley, George, 851

Vandenberg, Hoyt S., Gen. USAF: on 1947/48 studies, 849

Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.: direction of satellites from, 1262
case, 111, 124-l25,
259-261 (Case 35),
667-670 (Case 51),
tracking film 741, Plate 41

Vatican Museum, Egyptian section: on "Tulli papyrus", 839

Vega, star, 261

Venus, planet, 14, 191, 211, 285, 443-444 (Case 15), 1055
as probable explanation, 93-94, 104, 111, 124, 148, 189, 563 , 571-574 (Case 37), 667-670 (Case 51)
gravitational pull of, 42-43
life on, 41-42
photographed, 113, 739, Plate 13
tracking film, 741, Plate 41

"Vergilian saucers": defined, 891

Vidicon television camera: modifications of, 1253

Vidicons: aerial coverage by, 1264

Viezee, William, 47

Villas-Boas, Antonio: in Brazil case, 35, 880-883

Vision defects: should be noted, 47

Visitors from outer space see Extra Terrestrial Actuality

Visual perception, 46-49
process of, 930-941

Visual sightings see Sightings, visual

Visualization: nature of, 820

Volcanic eruption, Iceland see Iceland volcanic eruptions

Volcano lightning, 1156, 1179

Volunteer Flight Officer Network: reports of sightings, 84

W - X

Wadsworth, James E.: investigation by, 94-99

Wagner, A. M., Sgt. Maj., U.S.A., in Case 50, 662

Walesville-Westmorland, N.Y., case July 1954, 240-241

Walker, S: on observer creditability, 976, 982-983

Walsh, Robert C.: on northeast power outage, 166

Walter, C. D.: on Antarctic events, 149

Ware, Willis H.: member O'Brien Committee, 904

Washington, D.C. area case July 1952, 134-135, 227-236

Washington, D.C. radar sightings (1952) 73-74, 78, 364

Washington flap of 1952 see Washington National Airport, reports on sightings

Washington National Airport: reports on sightings, 17, 29, 231-235

Waves, Optical see Light waves

Waves, radio see Radio waves

Weather balloons, 108
as probable explanation, 182, 211, 215-219, 224, 240-241, 242, 245, 253, 445 (Case 16), 594-595 (Case 41), 849, 851
in photographs, 114
radar detection of, 1073, 1097-1098

Weather Bureau see U.S.Weather Bureau

Weather Network, 1251

Weather Radar Network, 1255, 1263-1264, 1266

Webb, Eugene J.: on age groups related to UFO opinions, 357

Welles, Orson: "Invasion from Mars", 980

Wertheimer, Michael, 47
on staff, Colorado project, 917

Western Operating Committee meeting, July 1967, 164

White, Edward H., II, observation by, 309

White light: color separation of, 1037-1044

White Sands Missile Range, N.M. case, Mar. 1967, 223-224

White Sands Proving Ground: flare in Case 53, 710, 712, 713
sightings during rocket tests in Case 51, 668

Whitted, John B.: pilot in Eastern Airlines case, 848

Wichita, Kansas, case August 1965, 236-240

Wilkins, Harold T.: Flying Saucers on the Attack, 877

Will-o-the-wisp, 1174

"Window": radar detection of, 1073, 1098

Witnesses: interviewing of, 23, 28-30

Wolberg, L. R.: quoted on hypnosis, 983

Wortman, Ralph and Frank: in Case 46, 610

Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio case Aug. 1952, 241-245

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Project Blue Book see Project Blue Book

WSR-57: features of, 1251

XF-5-U-1 plane: possible sighting of, 846

Y - Z

Yedo, Tokyo, earthquake (1672): luminous effects of, 1180

Zigel, Feliks, 923-924

Zodiacal band: observed from spacecraft, 293

Zodiacal light, 739, Plate 13

Zodiacal light photometer see Photometer, zodiacal light

Zond IV, satellite, 276
Mar. 1968 re-entry of, 933, 949-958, 960, 961, 967-968, 970, 971